Sunday, September 24, 2006

Magical Fall Day

Today was a magical fall day, near perfect weather and despite the ups and downs of toddler-hood, almost turning four and puppyhood my family co-existed quite well. So I thought of a poem to commemorate this beautiful fall day...

The Magic of Fall Minnesota

Glistening leaves dancing to the ground as the stems on the trees lose their cover exposing the skinny sticks and twigs beneath. The ground below quickly becomes natures masterpiece as amazing vibrant colors blend.

Smells of apple cider; cinnamin and cloves blend in the autumn air, along with puffs of newly lit logs on the fire. The feel of a cool dampness along with the sweetness of pumpkin illuminates the emptiness of where summer blooms are now absent.

The sounds of a crisp cool wind rolling across the landscape, rustling the leaves and empty branches.

The magic of fall in Minnesota is all around us, in every sight, sound and smell we can absorb. It is truly a beautiful time of year.

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