Friday, December 08, 2006

Is it hot in here?

I just read that the MN confirmed the first flu case. After I read that I realized I feel like I am burning up!

There are actually a number of things it could be...
1. Perhaps the small coffee with 5 packets of sugar and half cup of cream.

2. Just getting back from the candy store which was about 100 degrees, I don't know how the chocolate survives!

3. This wool sweater is kind of itchy and warm.

4. Maybe a hot flash? I am getting older...

5. Pregnancy?
No just kidding! ha ha

*I think it is time to start working out because I got winded and sweaty from walking from the candy store back to my cube (maybe 200 feet)...I foresee a new years resolution that I will break by January 10!


Vikki said...

First of all, it's the sweater and the candy store. Second of all, you really DO have pregnancy on the brain!

Colleen said...

Good thing its on the brain and not in the tummy!

Anonymous said...

oh no! i just took my sweater off because i am feeling hot. i am pretty sure i have mad cow disease because i ate a cheeseburger for the first time in a looong time last night...
either that or bird flu. the fear!