Friday, December 29, 2006

Ghosts of Christmas past

Lutsen was wonderful despite the lack of snow and constant monster-in-law presence. I was able to find some peace and solace while skiing and teaching Kelsey to ski- she loved it! Kylie did her best to demand "my mommies" love most of the trip- which was fine. I found myself missing the quiet moments of breastfeeding the kids when I could sneak away with them in my arms and spend quiet one-on-one time with just them and me.

This vacation proved to be a constant power trip between my mother-in-law, my mother, and shamefully me too. It was a somewhat small condo and we had between 5-8 people always there with us.

The first two nights were almost sleepless, while trying to share the same sleeping area with the kids. By the third night and with an addition of a nookie (yes for Kylie), we all passed out and slept without even moving all night.

The first night we were invaded by "the Ghosts of Christmas Past" as my mom refers to it. She swears that a ghost came in and opened the deck door. When I went downstairs where she and Kylie were sleeping, it was 40 degrees and freezing. The door was open. I think someone did not close it all the way, but who knows? The "Ghosts of Chistmas past" makes a fun title!


Vikki said...

I'm glad you survived. I'll have to get the details when I get back to work.

Anonymous said...

oh colleen! i am just glad you made it back alive, and with some good blogging material.