Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Motherhood Clarity

Somedays mothering seems to come with an intelligence card implanted in my brain to help me with difficult moments in the journey, other days the card seems to be defective or missing.

My goal; which does not "sound" difficult, is to raise happy, well-adjusted, independent children with a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. So far they seem pretty normal but it is really difficult to tell what the lasting effects my motherhood mistakes will make on their lives.

Last night was pretty blissful. We got home, the kids decided to play with their gel window stick-ons for the holidays. There was a small incident with Kylie stealing Kelsey's stick-on Snowman piece, oh, and then a second when Kelsey stole Kylie's doll. But then Kelsey helped me make dinner and we listened to Christmas music and all was peaceful. Shane got home and brought a holiday Baker's Square pie, mmmm-num!

The night before I was a mean mommy. When we got home the kids started fighting from the get-go. Screaming ensued on their part and mine. Demands for juice, "We do not have juice (we never have juice), you can have milk or water!" Screaming ensued because there was no juice. And then direction turned to blankets. Kylie found hers and Kelsey demanded hers, however, dinner preparations took my attention and I was unable to get Kelsey's blanket, so, yup, you guessed it, screaming ensued! I would like to erase this memory from my head. I know somedays are difficult, but I wish patience and ease came everyday.


Kristin said...

God I wish patience, a truck load of patience, could be delivered to my door tomorrow

Vikki said...

The ups and downs of parenting are often hard. Monday we had a horrible evening and then, Tuesday evening, I said, "Oh, I just wish every day could be like this." Maybe the hard times make the easy times all the sweeter. That's my one Pollyanna comment for the day.