Friday, November 17, 2006

News Smut: Dead Deer Assault vs OJ did it

News smut is what I call it, in a fairly reputable newspaper, even reporting the "so called" news can be offensive!

Some stories should not be rehashed, such as OJ Simpson writing a book about "how he might have done it." He is such a sicko, and now he is making more money on his offenses!

And in the local arena, although across the border in cheesehead country, "having sex with a dead deer."

Really! The news should not make me nearly loose my lunch, and the saddest thing about this story, is that the focus is on the law which does not know how to charge this individual because a dead animal is no longer considered an animal.

How about just lock the guy up and throw away the key, so he does not mistake a child, or another animal as his last conquest!!!! Sicko!!

Hopefully the news headline today will be the weather.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the news will be about bed bugs...

Anonymous said...

...or rogue sea lions?

these people need HELP, not publicity. it is all just so disturbing!

Kristin said...

I am speechless. I don't really want to give headline #1 any airtime, at all.

and i am fairly certain you made up headline #2